Gary's Theories

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I have been listening to President George W (whut?) Bush explain how we MUST win in Iraq as this is where the terrorists are. I earlier heard Senator Rick Santorum (Republican - Pennsylvania) explain how the real problem in Iraq is in fact, Iran and we should take more stringent action against them. Both of them say it is extremely important to re-elect Republicans so the GOP can stay in charge of the House, Senate, and Presidency.

So, let me get this straight - prior to our possibly illegal invasion of Iraq (note that in the recent U.N. resolution passed regarding North Korea and atomic weapons, it was SPECIFICALLY STATED that unilateral action by a member state is excluded, this because it was this clause the Bush Administration used to invade Iraq), Saddam Hussein - who doubtless was a brutal dictator - had historically been supported by the U. S., even so far as being sold chemical weapons under the Reagan administration. (see this link: )

This, of course, is why the Bush administration was so certain Saddam had chemical weapons, BECAUSE WE SOLD THEM TO HIM!! Donald Rumsfeld (also shown shaking hands with Saddam in photos included in the above link) was one of the main players in this little scenario. And since Iraq was using these chemical weapons to gas the Iranians in a lengthy war - 1980 - mid to late '80's depending on who you want to believe (oh, and also gassing his own people that opposed him - I guess that would be considered "collateral damage") - then in fact, the Bush version 2.0 administration has overthrown the key support to keep Iran from, if you will, going nuclear.

Now, on top of this fact and the current B.S. that Bush is spewing, let's look at reality:

1. Saddam never was a "threat" to the U.S. (not in the league of Kim Jong Il of North Korea)
2. The U. S. had befriended Saddam during a proxy war with Iran.
3. Bush keeps talking about the "terrorists" in Iraq and our friends the Saudis, but in fact 19 of the terrorists active on 9/11 were Saudis, not a single one was Iraqi.
4. The American service personnel in Iraq in many cases have served multiple tours between Iraq and Afghanistan - in conflict with Pentagon guidelines. Additionally "stop-loss" has been put in effect, meaning soldiers that have completed their contractual obligation to the U.S. can be held "for as long as necessary" to serve.

So, what lessons should we take from these facts?

1. It was never about a threat, it was about controlling key oil reserves.
2. Just like the Shah in Iran, Marcos in the Phillipines, Noriega in Panama, and other U.S. friendly leaders in Chile, Guatamala, and numerous other countries around the world, being friends with the U.S. appears to be a good way to get overthrown and spend your last days in exile, prison, or just being executed.
3. Money talks - we didn't invade the Saudis even though they have been known for years to be a very regressive society and it was Saudis that manned the aircraft used on our towers.
4. Though politically unacceptable, if we intend to enforce our will in the Middle East we must implement a conscription, i.e., restart the draft to have a military force large and sustainable enough to meet the Bush doctrine requirements.

Now the final lesson - should I trust this administration and vote to return them to power?

Well now, the answer to this is self evident:

1. First it was a war to stop weapons of mass destruction.
2. It was a war to "spread democracy"
3. Now it is "just one of the global fronts" on the war on terrorism.

On the day after September 11, 2001 the entire world was behind the U. S. In the 5 short years since then, we have become ostracized by nearly every nation - except for those we pay to be our pals.

Oh, in addition, beyond the loss of prestige and moral authority on the international front (funny how the rest of the world thinks it is improper to pick up people on the street, fly them to secret prisons around the world, and torture those people) (see this link: ), it has come to the attention of this administration that the American people have too much freedom as well. That is why, in spite of the fact that a law and a court exist to deal with the need of foreign intelligence - the FISA - foreign intelligence security act and the associated court - the Bush Administration felt that was "too confining and restrictive" and simply BROKE THE LAW by spying on conversations of American citizens. Understand, I am not saying the administration should not be allowed to eavesdrop if needed, I am simply saying the administration should be compelled to follow the law.

Likewise, while it was little publicized (I doubt it was ever mentioned on Fox News or Fox Network as they are essentially an extension of Bush and the right wing) there are cases of U. S. citizens being held and tortured outside of the U. S. without cause (see this link: or (this link: to understand what this country has been doing. THESE ARE CITIZENS!! Not nationals, not illegals, not "Unlawful Combatants", THESE ARE CITIZENS. This could be you or me! So, now knowing the United States government could come, unannounced, take you into custody, hold you without charges or trial for as long as necessary, DO YOU FEEL SAFER?

This administration has acted like no one has ever acted against the United States. In fact, there have been several times actions have occurred previously, though not on the scale of the World Trade Center (there were bombs set off in New York City in the early 1900's by anarchists and also bombings by Puerto Rican separatists in the 1950's). In fact, this administration has in response evoked a "doctrine" denounced by past Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower who said: "Pre-emptive war was invented by Adolf Hitler. To be honest, I wouldn't take anyone who came up with such a thing seriously" (See this link: )

Even beyond the international fiascoes, let's look domestic issues. Jobs are being outsourced - the war in Iraq is going badly, but the war against the middle class is going well. Two of the largest manufacturers in the U. S. - General Motors and Ford - are both on life support. Look at how much U. S. capital has flowed overseas in the past 4 years. . . or look at the lead article on Section B of the Wall Street Journal for Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - the fact that a college education is now out of reach of a larger portion of the population since the federal government has reduced funding for Pell and other federal grants.

Here is another curious fact - even China has tighter gas mileage requirements than the U. S.! So, even if GM or Ford were trying to penetrate China with their domestic vehicles, they would NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS!!!

So, instead of encouraging higher education, instead of supporting new technology (one of the greatest boons to the history of our country has been our technology), instead of encouraging alternate energy or exploring new energy sources, the Bush administration holds secret talks with oil company executives and stonewalls the United States Congress when they request a list of the attendees of these meetings.

Secrecy, on top of deception, on top of incompetence, all topped by a coating of fear. That is the legacy of this administration. (God, how I wish for a LEADER - someone in the mold of Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself.") The players of this administration believe themselves and their goals to be morally superior to everyone else. They have demonstrated over and over they believe the "end justifies the means." I believe they have and are taking America, the bright and shining star of the world, the last great hope for mankind, down a dark and bitter path. They have (by the admission of their own secret security assessment) created a new generation of anti-American terrorists.

Face it, the Bush administration is owned by special interests (see this Google page, it leads you to 1.3 million hits regarding the Bush administration and the Jack Abramoff scandal, not to mention the other lobbyists that have not shown up on the O-shit-o-meter radar). They have no interest in the average American (if you have a net worth of >$ 1 million, maybe so) except to play boogie man and scare you into voting for them. In fact, there are so many shortcomings right now with the Republican party, it is hard to know where to begin or not to become so cynical as to believe the whole system is corrupt beyond repair.

It is my personal belief that when history writes the story of the Bush II era, this will be seen as the most corrupt administration since Warren G. Harding and Teapot Dome; others say it is the worst since U. S. Grant. Regardless of how you cut it this administration has been bad for America, bad for our prestige, and bad for the world we live in.