Gary's Theories

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am absolutely sick of the tone politics has taken. On both sides. Where have all of the socially liberal, fiscal conservatives gone? Are there no "people of goodwill" that can set aside their differences and focus on the areas where they agree and move forward together to make good public policy? I mean, look at the terms being used: "Attack Machine", "GOP lies", "Deception", "Special Interest funded attacks", "Progressivism is the cancer", and on and on.

None of these are the terms of people of good will working together to form a stronger national union or a sound policy. These terms are all terms of divisiveness, demonizing one group or another. The only thing on which the two sides can agree is that they want you to send them your money "to show them you won't tolerate" or "stand for" or "to send a message".

We are all being played for morons. Unemployment is - depending on where you live - anywhere from 9 to 25%. People are losing their houses, have no health insurance, have college debt at 8.5% for crying out loud and these f*****s in Washington that have health care, have retirement have a $ 100,000 per month expense account want you to send them money!

Hmmmm . . . . well, here's an idea or two, why don't we all REALLY SEND A MESSAGE TO WASHINGTON? Why don't we all at the next election simply write in "none of the above." Do you want leadership? Sorry, none of the above currently demonstrate leadership. What about bi-partisanship? Sorry, same here. New ideas? Nope. Willingness to work together for common good? Not here. Let's face it, the only thing the politicians can agree on is their desire to get re-elected. Not a good reason to send them back to Washington. Let's send them all home.


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