Gary's Theories

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What happened to the simple, yet powerful concept of allowing all citizens to receive the same health care and health coverage President Obama, Senator McCain, and other elected officials receive? Why does it take 1,000 pages to do what is right? And why are the Republicans so adamantly opposed? Are they simply following the bidding of their "constituents," that is, their corporate overlords? How did we allow ourselves to become a nation ruled by corporations? No longer a representative republic or a democracy, we he become a Corpocracy.

And how often have each of us heard some CEO say "our people are our biggest asset"? Yet everything associated with the employees is carried as an expense and a liability - nowhere are the employees an asset. So are the CEO's stupid? No, they think we are. And since we let this continue ad infinitum, perhaps they're right.


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