Gary's Theories

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I believe the modern right-wing and those of the right wing claiming to be 'Christian' are guilty of heresy. While many claim to be "blessed" because they have been given stewardship for much, in fact wealth is a curse for those professing to be Christian. You don't need to trust me on this, look at the words of Christ in Mark 10:17 - 27. 'A wealthy person approached Christ and asked what must be done to enter the kingdom of heaven.' According to the Apostle Mark, Christ instructed him to obey the commandments (Exodous 20:3 - 17) - Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness . . . and so on. The wealthy person said 'I do these things.' And Christ told the person. 'one thing you have not done, sell your assets and take your wealth, give it to the poor and follow me.' And the wealthy person went away sadly, for he could not forgo the pleasures of wealth.

Now, fast-forward to the 21st century. Suddenly, wealth being a 'blessing' has become the standard in many Christian circles - so-called. Since the days of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and others who claim to be Christian leaders but are leading people astray, it is accepted in many groups that 'we have wealth because we are blessed.' In fact, if you have wealth and cannot bring yourself to 'give it to the poor' you have been cursed, not blessed. How heretical to believe that somehow you are better . . . blessed . . . because you have things.

And now, in the Congress of the United States, this heretical perversity has been elevated to a new level. The lies and hypocrisy . . . 'We MUST cut Social Security, Medicare, other 'entitlements.'' These are the programs that help the most helpless among us. And those calling for cuts are . . . those claiming to be representing Christians, the G.O.P. Honestly, I'm inclined to believe these are the same ilk that were driven from the temple as money lenders.

But some people believe the ends justify the means. They will lie when the truth would do better. They will pervert a word. Pervert a program. Pervert a religion. Pervert and destroy a country, if they believe it serves their purpose. They have no heart and no honor.

Welcome to the fascist rule of the 21st century G.O.P. lead by the Tea Party. The same people that didn't mind painting the President of the United States as a "terrorist." The same people that use those that incite violence, then claim 'oh, we don't support violence.' These people are Christian? I say these are vile hypocrites and will have the opportunity to burn in a special part of Hell in recompense for dishonoring the spirit and the letter of the Logos.
